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How to transfer HT2002, HT2003 (Version 5), or Version 6 data from one computer to another.
If you have upgraded from any other program prior to 2002, you must contact for instructions. Be sure to include your current version information.

For a clearer understanding of the back up and restore process, scroll down and review each of the pictures and captions to see where you will be taken from one step to another. The red arrows are for display only to show you each place to click. You will not see the red arrows as you actually go through the steps in your program.

To retrieve data from your old computer, open the program on that computer, click "File" then "Backup Data Files" The Version 6 program will name your file the current date, such as: "HT-8-07-2007" We suggest you accept that name as it helps you identify the last time a back up was done. In Versions 2002 and 2003, type in the current date as the 2002 and 2003 versions do not automatically name your file. NEVER change the field that reads: "Path name to store backup file."

Do not back up directly to a CD or Memory Stick. Back up to the program "Backup Data" Folder which is the default.

You will now see activity as in the picture below. Don't interrupt it. It only takes a few seconds

When completed, right click on the Windows "Start" button at the bottom of your computer screen, then select "Explore"

Locate PROGRAM FILES then the HTV6 folder, click on it, then click on the "Back up Data" folder. You will see the file you just backed up.

Copy that file (NOT THE WHOLE FOLDER) ... just the file to a CD or Memory Stick. NEVER TOUCH THE UPG.ZIP File!!

Take the CD or Memory Stick and insert to the new computer.

Click on "File" then "Restore Saved Data Files" then "Select backup file to restore"

Now locate your CD or Memory Stick drive. Locate your file, double click and it will bring you back to the "Restoring Data" screen ...

Click RESTORE NOW and allow activity to proceed until completely stopped.

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